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Why Therapy?

Our therapists meet you where you're at. We believe the sacred therapeutic relationship is a partnership, where you're invited to explore and get to the root of your presenting issues and current difficulties, your strengths, resources, supports, to create a treatment plan and goals. Services are tailored to each individual client: as we explore and inform treatment approaches based on YOUR unique make-up and situation. Through the use of a variety of therapeutic methods, approaches and techniques, a strong therapeutic alliance, and a safe, confidential space for you to discover what you, your best authentic self, and the various sides of you, aka your parts needs and fears, we will face whatever it is going on, provide resources, strategies and skills from the get go, so you can begin your journey towards feeling better. In fact, it's not unusual for clients to find some relief in as little as one session. 

 You don't need to suffer in silence.

Clients are our priority, and we are committed to your well-being. By educating and continuing education, our clinical staff are qualified, conscientious and have experience in multiple therapeutic settings and approaches, which we embrace. You will receive the utmost in therapeutic compassion and safety, as well as useful strategies, techniques, mechanisms and goals from multiple therapeutic approaches to facilitate healing from whatever it is you are struggling with.


This means therapy is tailored to your individual needs and desires and symptoms can be targeted as they occur. Our hope is that you find relief and new insights with our large range of expertise. A

What We Value

Virtual Therapy


Meredith Alger, founder of Liminal Horizons, PLLC started the journey of transforming her own life after trying many ways of keeping her traumatic reactions, activation, arousal and many physical symptoms, from bringing a return to chaos. She shares her experiences and steps towards her own healing and well-being. 

Her personal dedication to her own work, has allowed her to continue dedicating her life to her passion of healing for individuals and systems, in a way that shares with others her successes, pitfalls, and recipe for a variety of Healing Modalities, and especially the most useful integrative and synergistic approaches. 

Our Story

Liminal Horizons, PLLC

The Intersection of understanding new ideas that are coming into sight quickly, and healing from Trauma, Creative Solutions, Somatic Parts Work, Cognitive core beliefs, socratic reasoning, reframing, working under the motto of Bringing Compassion, Curious, Calm co-regulation, Neurofeedback, as well as energy healing practices. Reprocessing, from a safe space. We remain partners with you beginning with resources, through therapy, integration as well as after, if you feel maintenance is appropriate

​WE are dealing with a mental health crisis today unlike anytime that we can remember (or that we remember hearing about). Especially in America, we are losing young people, kids at younger ages, and in greater numbers, to substance abuse and Suicide. Some of us are isolated because we are still too vulnerable to Covid, or have lost people to the illness, or delay of seeking health because of their conditions and it has become a(nother) survival threat. Not to mention the Global impacts of current wars, violence, complete inhuman acts; BECAUSE WE ARE SO DISCONNECTED FROM ONE ANOTHER, WE LOSE SIGHT OF THEIR HUMANITY, THEN OUR OWN. The current global crisis is fundamentally due to our disconnection, and our reactions, defensiveness, polarization, suffering and discontentment. 

Many people are untrusting, or avoid, numb, work, because of an Reactive NERVOUS SYSTEM, which for some of us has created Chronic Stress Response and Complex Trauma (CPTSD), as well as other related (yes, literally and entirely connected) HEALTH issues, which occur because when we are DEFENSIVE & REACTIVE, we put all of our energy towards DEFENDING for SURVIVAL. When we are this overwhelmed, we are in the very basic limbic system response, and our Thinking Brain isn't fully functioning. It may even shut down. When triggered, we we may experience erroneous beliefs, and develop parts of us to protect us; to disconnect from anything that is triggering...  We often misinterpret, and bring fear and defensiveness center stage, until everything becomes a trigger - thanks to the amazing ability of humans to RELATE anything to anything (relational frame theory).

Socially, ethically, morally and the selfishness, greed, deception at the highest levels cause more and more defensiveness in our society and in the world. Family divisions occur at high levels, not to mention the ongoing news; hate crimes, hateful speech, conspiracy theories, and at the same time kids are being bullied every day, without intervention most of the time; of course we feel lonely, isolated, scared, defensive. In a climate that perpetuates human suffering, there is no wonder why humanity is filled with real people dealing with serious challenges to mental health (and physical) symptoms: depression, extreme stress, loneliness, anxiety, and trauma that, including things we aren’t aware of, triggering us unpredictably.

WE welcome ALL OF YOU. WE KNOW that reaching out is BRAVE. Whatever clients, and people in general, are going through, coming back into a safe, co-regulative present moment, and utilizing senses for cues that you are safe is a vital. The therapeutic relationship is built upon a foundation of transparency and trust, with each other, and building trust in YOU. Learn to listen. The information coming from sensations or from our internal family are important. We go at a comfortable pace, using titration and slight exposure to build a way to gently arriving, returning to one's body, and nonjudgmentally, notice. This opens the door to new exploration, and a practice of returning to the present moment.



WE are dealing with a mental health crisis today unlike anytime that we can remember (or that we remember hearing about). Especially in America, we are losing young people, e.g. kids at younger ages. Some of us are isolated because we are still too vulnerable to Covid, or have lost people to the illness, or delay of seeking health because of their conditions and it has become a(nother) survival threat.

People are unlikely to share their true feelings, when trauma also has us guarding by bringing a lack of trust, in both self, and in relationships, including with your varying parts. Mistrust means we may often misinterpret, and bring fear and defensiveness center stage, when everything becomes a trigger - thanks to the amazing ability of humans to RELATE anything to anything.

Socially, ethically, morally and the selfishness, greed, deception at the highest levels cause more and more defensiveness in our society and in the world.

Family divisions occur at high levels, not to mention the ongoing news; hate crimes, hateful speech, conspiracy theories, and at the same time kids are being bullied every day, without intervention most of the time; of course we feel lonely, isolated, scared, defensive. In a climate perpetuating human suffering, there is no wonder why humanity is filled with real people dealing with serious challenges to mental health (and physical) symptoms: depression, extreme stress, loneliness, anxiety, and trauma, including things we aren’t aware of, triggering us unpredictably.

The specific therapeutic modalities that we use together, engages a hierarchy of safe(enough)to begin building a relational container safe space.

We welcome ALL OF YOU, we know that reaching out is BRAVE. Whatever clients, really any of us, are going through, coming back into a safe, co-regulative present moment, and utilizing senses for cues that you are safe. The therapeutic relationship is built upon a foundation of transparency and trust, with each other, and building trust in YOU. Learn to listen. The information coming from sensations or from our internal family are important. We go at a comfortable pace, using titration and slight exposure to build a way of slowly approaching and, when ready, gently arriving, returning to our body, and nonjudgmentally, notice. This opens the door to new exploration, and a practice of returning to the present moment. This becomes lifechanging as we heal; reprocess, or integrate patterns that were born of past need to SURVIVE. We can feel safe enough to turn towards patterns that have not been updated to current capabilities, age, size, and unlocking the roots and repairing, providing what your system never received or redefining our the ending and the meaning, and we let parts become free. We begin integrating parts, bringing them into relationship with ourself and each other, and people in our life. Other regulatory changes also return closer to baseline, as parts become ours to observe, work with rather than be overcome by.

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Safety and Privacy are protected on multiple levels. Liminal Horizons uses a HIPAA Compliant zoom, or other telehealth options. We take your privacy seriously, and there are specific options and platforms we may use to ensure HIPAA Compliance. 

That's important, and during therapy, your own felt sense of safety and security even more important in the outcome of therapy, trainings, supervision, and any way in which we serve you. Your TRUST matters to us.

Safety & Security


We invite your feedback, whether positive or frustrations/constructive, and we will provide transparent feedback regarding our limitations of services we can provide for you. We are all open and up front, as clinicians we hold your time as sacred. We will be honest about your progress, answer questions as we work to provide relief from negative feelings, changing behavioural, cognitive, relational patterns, and bringing more or allow the return of joy into your life. If you ever feel slighted, or as though we have done something wrong, please reach out to This account is monitored by non-clinical staff for the most part. It will be directed to whom it applies.



We Pride ourselves for keeping up to date with new psychotherapies, research, and adding skills that may be helpful.


Especially in this global stress and now armed with scientific data with generational and personal traumas. Our goal is to work with individuals and systems, relationships, and goals, and as one person heals, the ripple effects can become endless. Thus, attachment research has been currently evolving deeply, both in the importance of co-regulation and a known and trusted, calm caregiver, and in the fact that it's not THE only factor. Many people have vulnerabilities from trauma that wasn't perceived as trauma, except for as it becomes patterned and separated into it's own reactive and coping strategies.

Growth & Innovation 


At Liminal Horizons we continuously provide opportunities for Professional Consultation, Licensure Supervision, and continuing education opportunities for our staff. Several staff members are being currently trained in a variety of interventions, which we integrate into our unique supports, solutions, and clinical work.

Additionally, we meet regularly as not only a team, but with members doing their own clinical development, we have representatives at various levels of work, and in fact they are all continuing to seek their own therapeutic support for both self care, and to sustain the seat of client, to more greatly understand what is particularly helpful to them, as they help spread compassion and love. 

Team Work


Liminal Horizons has a number of sliding scale slots. There is often a waiting list, and when able, we add additional appointments. To request more information, please reach out to

We offer currently ONLY virtual appointments. We will continue to create a comfortable teletherapy environment (even for EMDR, SSP, etc.). This has been useful for many clients, and in fact, most plan to remain virtual. We also understand the importance of the human to human, face to face, connection, where clinicians gain so much more information because of body language, easier to catch tones.

Accessible Services


Besides the ripple effect spread by individual and small group and community healing, Liminal Horizons, PLLC has a goal of bringing variations of IFS into classrooms, offices, as well as the political national and global landscape.

We are working on models that can be scaled for large audiences, on a community level, or possibly larger.

Current ideas, Mind-Body-Soul Connections, Embodied Safety, Equity, Stillness... You name it, we will figure out where it comes from (hint: all of your power is within you already). With so much national and global, climate and humanitarian landscapes and crises NOW is the time!

Working for Social Change


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