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Our Mission; Our Commitments

Liminal Horizons, PLLC is committed to bringing accessibility of Mental Health, including skills and connection) to as many humans, systems/organizations/Families, schools, communities. The Exploration is currently about ways we may be support teachers and students through an IFS inspired model (PAUSE) developed by Joanna Curry-Sartori, LMFT into as many spaces as possible. See the Self-Leadership Collaborative Website.

At the same time, Polyvagal Theory, by Dr. Stephen Porges, and the clinical and experiential tools to bring the ability to understand that our window of tolerance and sensitivity to both external and internal triggers, PLUS, exercises and skills, including the SAFE & SOUND protocol. To learn more about what we offer for nervous system SSP, and exercises for vagal 'toning' which means we are litterally using access points to titrate and invite expansion of our window of tolerance, which helps our whole body to slowly feel safer. Vagal Toning exercises also create the ability of felt sense of safety to evolve through our nervous system.

These work incredibly well, each one as itself, and truly are made for an experiential healing, awareness, self and understanding of our reactivity, AND THERE IS SOMETHING WE CAN DO to INCREASE OUR ABILITY to SELF-REGULATE AND APPROPRIATELY CO-REGULATE, While we get to know particular aspects, reactions, thought patterns, somatic symptoms, emotional dysregulation, familial patterns, cultural aspects and identity, generational wounds

Our Mission:

We are living in challenging times. Much of the world is suffering, living or working under incomprehensible stress and trauma, and dealing with chronic mental and physical health conditions and complex (or other) traumatic experiences, including institutionalized us vs them mentality.

WE NEED TO SPREAD Trauma Informed messages, provide safety, strategies to feel safe, grounded, calm and noticing glimmers and hope.

Liminal Horizons PLLC provides therapeutic interventions and psycho-education to Leaders, Leadership Teams, School Administration, Businesses, Clinicians, Coaches, and Communities. We know that healing occurs in relationship, with ourselves, our own different parts that show up in certain situations, and others; through experiential practices, workshops and ongoing support for leaders and whole companies, to learn the root cause of things that are currently getting in your way, changing through integration of any adaptive and protective aspects of us that so, even though the current environment can feel overwhelming, we choose our responses.

Our Program goes beyond healing, into well-being, so not only do you and your staff and students, family, community, feel better, but we also cultivate Trauma-Informed Employers, Schools and communities, by going beyond healing to include Positive Psychology and research on happiness, joy and well-being, including ways we can decide how to respond, even in a stressful and challenging situations.

The young moon views its own reflection in Rough Waters, aghast at what it sees.

The tells the little moon we are still moons, distorted reflections look back when wind create waves, 

 The wise one explains: tides will change, and storms will pass, and when they do, just be

and then one very still Eve the the moon looked at it's reflection to now find comfort where it lacked

Our Values

Safety and Privacy are protected on multiple levels. Liminal Horizons uses a HIPAA Compliant zoom, or other telehealth options. We take your privacy seriously, and there are specific options and platforms we may use to ensure HIPAA Compliance. 

That's important, and during therapy, your own felt sense of safety and security even more important in the outcome of therapy, trainings, supervision, and any way in which we serve you. Your TRUST matters to us.

Safety & Security


We invite your feedback, whether positive or frustrations/constructive, and we will provide transparent feedback regarding our limitations of services we can provide for you. We are all open and up front, as clinicians we hold your time as sacred. We will be honest about your progress, answer questions as we work to provide relief from negative feelings, changing patterns, and bringing joy into your life. If you ever feel slighted, or as though we have done something wrong, please reach out to This account is monitored by non-clinical staff for the most part. It will be directed to whom it applies.



We Pride ourselves for keeping up to date with new psychotherapies, research, and adding skills that may be helpful.


Especially in this global stress and now armed with scientific data with generational and personal traumas. Our goal is to work with individuals and systems, relationships, and goals, and as one person heals, the ripple effects can become endless. Thus, attachment research has been currently evolving deeply, both in the importance of co-regulation and a known and trusted, calm caregiver, and in the fact that it's not THE only factor. Many people have vulnerabilities from trauma that wasn't perceived as trauma, except for as it becomes patterned and separated into it's own reactive and coping strategies.

Growth & Innovation 


At Liminal Horizons we continuously provide opportunities for Professional Consultation, Licensure Supervision, and continuing education opportunities for our staff. Several staff members are being currently trained in a variety of interventions, which we integrate into our unique supports, solutions, and clinical work.

Additionally, we meet regularly as not only a team, but with members doing their own clinical development, we have representatives at various levels of work, and in fact they are all continuing to seek their own therapeutic support for both self care, and to sustain the seat of client, to more greatly understand what is particularly helpful to them, as they help spread compassion and love. 

Team Work


Liminal Horizons has a number of sliding scale slots. There is often a waiting list, and when able, we add additional appointments. To request more information, please reach out to

We offer currently ONLY virtual appointments. We will continue to create a comfortable teletherapy environment (even for EMDR, SSP, etc.). This has been useful for many clients, and in fact, most plan to remain virtual. We also understand the importance of the human to human, face to face, connection, where clinicians gain so much more information because of body language, easier to catch tones.

Accessible Services


Besides the ripple effect spread by individual and small group and community healing, Liminal Horizons, PLLC has a goal of bringing variations of IFS into classrooms, offices, as well as the political national and global landscape.

We are working on models that can be scaled for large audiences, on a community level, or possibly larger.

Current ideas, Mind-Body-Soul Connections, Embodied Safety, Equity, Stillness... You name it, we will figure out where it comes from (hint: all of your power is within you already). With so much national and global, climate and humanitarian landscapes and crises NOW is the time!

Working for Social Change


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